Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The head of the NSA warns that hackers are not just trying to steal information; they are also trying to manipulate it.

Hackers are utilizing different
  methods to access other's valuable
Earlier this week, Admiral Michael Rogers, the head of the National Security Agency and the U.S. Cyber Command told The Wall Street Journal about the threat that computer hackers could begin to manipulate valuable data that maintains the infrastructure within our country.
           Computer hackers are no longer only stealing information they find online. These hackers are directly changing the data they find. According to Adm. Rogers, the NSA is primarily focused on preventing hackers from extracting things like data and insights. The NSA isn’t prepared to combat hackers who can manipulate data directly in front of us.
           Terrorist groups like ISIS are utilizing the Internet to grow their followers and attack our infrastructure.
A recent article by CNN points out the online threat that groups like ISIS pose to our country’s cyber security. According to the article, the Islamic State has tried to hack American electrical power companies. The terrorist group has continuously failed to hack or energy grid because they do not have access to the technology or equipment needed to do so. Groups like ISIS do not have the right tools now but over time they can possibly get their hands on better hacking technology through online black markets.
           Aside from direct online terrorist attacks, groups like ISIS are also using modern technology as a way to find recruits. Adm. Rogers mentioned that these terrorist groups are also able to use tech to spread ideology and generate revenue for their cause. This use of technology has created a need for the U.S. to move to the offensive.
           “I think clearly we have got to change the current dynamic,” Adm. Rogers said. “To date, most nation states, most groups, most individuals, have come to the conclusion that there is little price to pay for the actions they’ve taken.”
           Strong encryptions can be the key to keeping information and data safer from potential hackers.
In order to combat these new hackers, Adm. Rogers has proposed the need to incorporate strong encryption into our cyber security system. In general, encryption helps secure digital
information by scrambling data so only those with authorization can actually unlock it.
The use of strong encryptions would make it much harder for hackers to get access to important information and data. According to Rogers this type of encryption can best be used to combat criminals and online terrorist groups.
To continue on the topic of encryption, an article by The Washington Post discusses the concept of strong encryption and how it has divided people on both sides of the issue. Some people argue that utilizing strong encryption will make it easier for criminals and spies to hide what they are doing. In reality this is a valid point. The use of strong encryption would make it harder for hackers to access valuable data but it would also make it harder for law enforcement as well.
          In order to combat this encryption, law enforcers have pushed for a built in way for law enforcement to gain access to the information that is encrypted. This method of access is often called a “back door.” According to the article, many technologists believe the addition of a back door defeats the purpose of utilizing strong encryption. Adm. Rogers made it clear that using strong encryption is the best way to go about combating online threats. However, implementing this type of encryption will not be easy.
  Hackers are able to breach government cyber security systems through phishing attack emails.
Other attempts to compromise our country’s cyber security have been recorded by the NSA, including an attack from Russia towards the Joint Staff network in the Pentagon. The attack was done through a phishing attack email. According to an article from CNN, the email attackers were specifically targeting the Joint Staff in hopes of learning information from the unclassified email network.
According to a senior Defense official in the Pentagon, all of the required cyber security protection and patches were in place. For some reason the attack from the Russians was still able to breach into the network. The Russian hackers were able to breach the network in a way that the U.S. government had never seen before.
Adm. Rogers mentioned how this breach happened because of the negligence of the workers. A worker in the Pentagon opened the harmful email because it was early in the morning and he was just "blowing" through email. A simple mistake like clicking on an email can possibly lead to an
opening for potential hackers.
The way our current technological system is set up will create a challenge. The
Since 2012, employee negligence
has increased as a cause of
security breaches.
NSA will need to create an environment where American citizens are comfortable with prioritizing the importance of security encryption and the monitoring of criminal behavior and threats to our nation’s security. There will also be a need for people who are in positions of influence to act more responsibly online.
Adm. Rogers also made a comparison to the way the Department of Defense arms thousand of people with weapons. These people are given weapons for the purpose of only using it under specific situations. They are also responsible for the weapon at all times. This same principle should apply to those who work for the government. They should be held responsible if they do something that potentially harms the safety of the government and its people.

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